Lee Gugerty: Navigation Research

I have been studying how people navigate in realistic aviation tasks using the following tool:

Publications on Navigation

    Rodes, W. & Gugerty, L. (2012). Effects of electronic map displays and individual differences in ability on navigation performance. Human Factors, 54(4), 589-599. (PDF)

    Gugerty, L. & Rodes, W. (2007). A cognitive model of strategies for cardinal direction judgments. Spatial Cognition and Computation. 7(2), 179-212. (PDF)

    Gugerty, L., Brooks, J. & Treadaway, C. (2004). Individual differences in situation awareness for transportation tasks. In S. Banbury & S. Tremblay (Eds.), A Cognitive Approach to Situation Awareness: Theory, Measures and Application. London: Ashgate Publishers.  

    Gugerty, L. & Brooks, J. (2004). Reference frame misalignment and cardinal direction judgments: Group differences and strategies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 10(2), 75-88. (Email reprint request)

    Gugerty, L. (2004). Using cognitive task analysis to design multiple synthetic tasks for uninhabited aerial vehicle operation. In S. Schiflett, L. Elliott, E. Salas & M. Coovert (Eds.), Scaled Worlds: Development, Validation, and Application, (pp. 240-262). London: Ashgate Publishers.

    Gugerty, L. & Brooks, J. (2001). Seeing where you are heading: Integrating environmental and egocentric reference frames in cardinal direction judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 7(3), 251-266.